In Baden-Württemberg, new public charging columns for e-cars are to be
built by the end of the decade.
Stuttgart: The state of Baden-Württemberg plans to build up a nationwide
public network of charging columns for electric cars by the year 2020. It was
to come out of about 2,000 new pillars for two cars each, as the draft for a
Cabinet proposal emerges. The ministerial round will deal with the issue at
one of their next meetings, said a government spokesman in Stuttgart.
The country wants to put another ten million euros in the expansion of the
power stations, as announced by the gov- ernmental groups of the Greens and
the CDU. A charge column with connection cost between 5,000 and 100,000 euros,
depending on equipment and performance, as the Ministry of Transport on
request communicated.
In Baden-Wuerttemberg, the topic "Reichsweitangstst" will soon be a
thing of the past for e-cars.
Against the "Reichsweitangst"
Currently there are 577 pillars in the country. The new charging columns,
which are to have a maximum distance of approximately ten kilometers, are to
be equipped in such a way that they can also be retrofitted for future
charging techniques.
Thomas Hentschel, who is responsible for electromobility at the Green Group,
said: "With a large-scale retail network, the topic of widening the reach of
the region is a thing of the past." And Felix Schreiner, the spokesman for the
CDU political group, said: "With this initiative, we are making sure that the
target group for electric vehicles continues to grow." (Dpa / mer).
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