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As the experts in aerodynamics, aeroacoustics and thermodynamics simulation from Exa report, one wishes to contribute to the i...

simulation Exa: Cost reduction by computer-assisted simulations

As the experts in aerodynamics, aeroacoustics and thermodynamics simulation from Exa report, one wishes to contribute to the implementation of the goal of PSA, to increase the use of simulations and to increase the profitability
Computer simulation with Exa software in the development of the motor sports prototype
vehicle Peugeot 208 T16 Pikes Peak.
Image: Exa)

As Exa reports, PSA Peugeot Citroen is open to the integration of suppliers into the development process when implementing ambitious targets with regard to computer-assisted simulation.  As part of a campaign to increase profitability, the French automotive manufacturer wants to rely exclusively on computer-based development methods (CAE) from 2025 onwards. The approach of PSA is to use only one rake model for each CAE area. For example, PSA is working with Exa in computational fluid dynamics (CFD), which is active in aerodynamics, aerodynamics and thermodynamics simulation.  In addition, PSA would like to expand the exchange of CAE information with the suppliers of software and components as well as with university institutes.

As Exa points out, PSA's road to fully computer-assisted vehicle validation in 2025 in the 1980s had begun with the first CAE approaches and today is so advanced that prototypes are only used for completely new vehicle platforms. New models based on existing platforms, such as the current Citroen C3 with around 800 new components, are therefore developed without the use of prototypes. In 2016 representatives of PSA had met with 140 experts from different sectors and identified 50 scientific challenges in the implementation of the targets for digital change in 2025. At the meeting, 22 measures were identified, which were quickly promising, so-called quick wins. PSA currently transfers these to the CAE processes.

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